
Our Team

I saw this on Pinterest yesterday and it reminded me of us.

It hits on some issues we both deal with on a daily basis.  Everyone has their quirks and when you find that person who completes you then you find ways to empower them so those “quirks” aren’t even a thing.  I need regular reminders of my place.  All my life I’ve lived by the motto “lead me, follow me or get out of my way”.  Sir is my leader.  sometimes I fall out of line and need a tune up.  Interestingly enough I’ve come to realize that those tune ups are becoming less and less apparent and more and more effective.

Last week Sir began a pretty major project at work.  Every day last week He left early and got home late.  This week He’s still leaving early but getting home at a bit more of a reasonable time.  Last week I started getting back into the habit of making His bed every morning.  This week I’ve learned to utilize that early morning time (before I leave for work) to catch up on the house work that has fallen by he wayside.  As I made the bed this morning it occurred to me, He really does set the pace for our relationship.  He leads, I follow.  He gets up to go to work, I get up, prepare His breakfast and lunch, make sure His clothes are laid out and keep Him on track to get out the door on time.   When He’s on His way I start my chores.  When He leaves late I lounge around and dishes pile up, dust accumulates, random things stack up in places they don’t belong.  He leads, I follow.

Isn’t it interesting how something as simple as a change in schedule can create such a shift of the mind?  There is nothing I love more than physically being with Him but when I can’t actually be with Him I can do the things that I know will please Him and make Him more relaxed when we are able to be together.  And I’ll admit I get very warm and fuzzy when He expresses His appreciation for me getting stuff done… Even when that expression sounds like this “you want Me to fawn all over you because you did your job? Dumb cunt!”  ~swoon  He appreciates it.  He appreciates me.  We make a good team.  He leads, I follow.


6 thoughts on “Our Team

  1. What a nice surprise to see you on my blogroll 🙂 This made me smile, I love that quote and I’m glad things are going well for the two of you. Those little things aren’t actually so little. Nice to be appreciated 🙂



    1. Awwww Roz!! I’m surprised anyone still has me in their blogroll. Boy, when life takes over it sure knocks ya for a loop. I’m trying to get back in the habit of writing. I sure do miss it. Thank you for sticking around.


  2. I love hearing from you…and this post has me smiling and nodding my head. M has been on the project from you know where for a while (seems like forever) now. It has interrupted our life….but I have discovered ways to help Him so things are a little more smooth…and it does feel so good..hugs abby


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